Notes to Riley

This page is dedicated to the friends and loved ones of Riley I Whitelaw. To submit a note to Riley, fill out the form below.

Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

My Bees Knees

I’m so proud of you Riley. I have no doubt you would have done amazing things. You are a beacon of light. You made my life so much better and brightened my day every day and countless others. I will follow you wherever you are and wherever you go. I love you my treasure ~ Jacob

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

Livin on a Prayer

Hey Kiddo, I am so proud of all you have accomplished. You taught me a lot about art, science and 80s music. But mostly about faith, hope and love. The greatest being love. Thank you for letting me love you. You will always be a joyful part of my world. I won’t stop believing cus we got each other and that’s a lot. Love you Fiercely, Alyssa, Framily

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

Hey Kiddo,

You will always be a joyful part of my life. Love you and Miss you.

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

Riley was one of my best friends.

Riley was quite literally the best person I ever knew. She was constantly so kind and supportive, and pushed me to always pursue my dreams and aspirations. She was creative, talented, and the funniest person I had ever met. From the first day I met her in 6th grade, she treated me like family. She was my best friend. I’ll never forget the first time I told her that. She was the most special person, and I miss her every single day.I love you Riley. Can’t wait to see you again one day.

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

Your spirit continues to enrich my life

Oh, Ri. Your spirit continues to enrich my life. I am blessed beyond measure to be so close to your mom. Because of her, I know you. I feel your spirit and I will forever be honored to carry your beauty, kindness, and generosity throughout this world as long as I have days to live. I love you sweet girl.

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

On empathy and hard work, through the eyes of others

Riley I Whitelaw was a multi-faceted person with many artistic and intellectual talents. She was a talented painter, sculptor, tie-dyer, and guitarist. She excelled academically and was interested in biology and furthering knowledge and understanding of our world. She was good at all of these things because of her quiet internal drive to improve her knowledge and abilities. She didn’t necessarily shout it out to the world and she was humble about it but once she made a commitment to something or someone, she followed through with integrity.

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Courtenay Whitelaw Courtenay Whitelaw

A letter to Riley from Her Mum’s Eyes and Heart

Even before you were born, I knew you’d live a life of such COURAGE, that’s in essence why I chose your name “Riley”, because it meant “courage”. May be at the start you weren’t so sure what you were getting yourself into… I mean, you did wait six days past your due date, and took 14hrs when I was finally induced to make your debut. And, to top it off you decided to make your entry the most difficult way possible by being sunny-side up, instead of Sunnyside down. BUT all that pain I went through that day was so worth it. I was and am in love with you. That ring of fire they tell laboring mothers they must go through in childbirth isn’t a joke but I’d have done it again just to have you.

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