Best Friend

Hey Ri,
Can't believe you're graduating tomorrow. I remember in 6th grade when I first met you we were two totally different people with two totally different personalities. You were shy and emo, kept to yourself with a few friends; I on the other hand was loud, obnoxious, extra girly, and wanted to be friends with everyone. It's a miracle that out of everything, despite our different personalities, different friend groups, different lifestyles, we chose each other. It was just meant to be. Knowing you throughout middle and high school were some of the best memories I ever had. Even though 8th-11th grade we were apart with distance, our friendship was closer than ever. Seeing you come out of your shell, talking to people and making friends, doing art for other people and just becoming who you really are were some of my best memories of you. I'm proud of you. I'll always be. You were the smartest person I knew, my biggest inspiration. I know you would've gotten scholarship after scholarship if you chose to go to college. No matter what you wanted to do in your future, whether that's science or art (my fave), I'd support you 100%.
You make me wanna be the best student I can be. When I walk across the stage, I'm walking like you're there with me. I got your initials inside of my class ring, R.I.W, so a piece of you is celebrating with me.
I love you, my best friend, sister, soulmate.
Congratulations. ~ Jaden S., Best Friend


I Miss You


To my favorite old man